Wednesday, December 17, 2014

ADVENT 3: Wednesday: Let Your Light So Shine

When one is in love with God, one becomes like a person who used to travel the town lighting street lamps at dusk. In olden days, there was a person in every town who would light the street-lamps with a light he carried at the end of a long pole. On the street-corners, the lamps were there in readiness, waiting to be lit; sometimes, however, the lamps were not as easily accessible. There were lamps in forsaken places, in deserts, or at sea. There must be someone to light even those lamps, so that they may fulfill their purpose and light up the paths of others. It is written, "Our soul is the candle of God." It is also written, "A good deed is a candle, and the love of God is light." A follower of God is one who puts personal affairs aside and sets out to light up the souls of all with the light of the love of God and with good deeds. Souls are ready and waiting to be kindled. Sometimes they are close, nearby; sometimes they are in a desert, or at sea. There must be someone who will forgo his or her own comforts and conveniences, and reach out to light those lamps. This is the function of a true lover of God. This is the lesson of the Gospel.

- Adapted from a public talk by the Lubavitcher Rebbe

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