Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday is Redund-ie-poo

Placing Easter on Sunday, imho, is a little redund-ie-poo. It's like Passover falling on a Friday ... Every week the Sabbath meal re-enacts the Passover tale but just with HIGHlights (#‎HamiltonDamage); The Holy Eucharist re-enacts Jesus on his last night on earth re-enacting the Sabbath meal which re-enacts the Passover Tale; The Great Vigil of Easter re-boots our entire life by chucking everything old and stale and worn out and making everything new and fresh and revived; and Easter is really just another Sunday where we celebrate The Holy Eucharist.

I love years ago the always delightful, ever brilliant Rev'd Dr Elizabeth Kaeton saying, <It’s always so wonderful to see the church filled on Easter Day. Everyone looks so wonderful, all decked out in their Easter finest. If you haven’t been to church in awhile, please consider coming back. We do this every Sunday...>

The two most important parts to remember for me are: we must gather in community in sincerity and truth, and we must show up time and again, to remember the story, and to imitate the example of laying down our lives, as a sacrifice for God's glory and a sacrifice to our fellow humans, being; sharing our troubles, our cares and concerns, and sacrificing our lives, on and around that altar, all for the Glory of God.

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