Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Which is the story you tell ...

People tell stories on us and we have a narration of ourselves, probably one we tell others and certainly one we tell ourselves. God has a story about us too. In God’s eyes we are right and good and worthy. God proclaims that we are filled with courage and determination because, in God’s eyes, we were born in to an unbroken home, and we were raised in an environment filled with acceptance, encouragement and unconditional love which overflows with all the possibilities a doting guardian and lover can provide. With God we have strength to do all things. May we work to make our stories about ourselves reflect those that God tells on us, so that we might proclaim with God a story of love, compassion, and care. <I will kindle my fire this morning in the presence of the holy angels of heaven; without malice, without jealousy, without regret, without envy, without fear.> <God of strength, with each thought and action we are telling ourselves and the world a story. Help us to know and to share your goodness. Give us ears to hear you whisper the story about each of us, the one that is filled with your pride in us, and and is laced with love, compassion, care, and grace.>

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