Monday, April 4, 2016

Mary said Yes

The Annunciation, Henry Ossawa Tanner
God, we come to you this very morning, full of hope that the day to come might be filled with joy and positive, peaceful, potent energy. Grant that we may do the work assigned to us this day with a light and happy heart; and if there are tasks that we do not look forward to (or even dread) let us undertake them with courage and resolve. If people who offer us challenging relationships appear in our path, cover them in your peace, give them an understanding heart, and let us see you in them. When we face frustration today, and throughout the coming week, remind us that these are opportunities to inject your love and peace and joy in to this world, and please guide us through these moments with grace and humour. Lead us away from anger or judgment of other people. Let us not pick up any business that isn’t our own business, and let us tend to our own garden instead of looking over the fence at others’. And let everything we attempt be filled with the knowledge and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. We pray that the Spirit will be with us at every moment, that we will always be aware of Her whispers, and guide us to live every moment of this day in Your presence. Let us, like Mary, hear the angel’s voice: “Fear not, for you have found favour with God.” When we respond, “How can this be?” let us remember the calming answer of the ages: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you … For nothing will be impossible with God." Give us the resolve to say, "Here am I, the servant of God; let it be with me according to your word."

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