Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Let's just focus on our narrow lane ahead, shall we?

I don't know about you? but by us? we are in FULL Lent SWANG, mereh ... Lent busy-ness hit EARLY this year, SO early that I didn't get time to have my annual Pity Party which usually hits at the end of the second week ... "OH, I didn't concentrate on my devotions, OH, I didn't write enough, OH, I didn't read enough," GEWRL ! It's only Lent 1 Day 2 and I've already done enough for SEVERAL Lenten disciplines and I got a few irons in the FIRE ! WOOO ! ! ! "Spinning, spinning out of control ... ~ Bette, Up the Ladder to the Roof"

What I DO know is this: a lot of people seem to need aye LOT lot of attention lately, like BlackHole A Go-Go, and they are getting it by Acting Out in surprising and violent ways. I don't know if they're lonely or possessed by evil spirits or mixing their meds or FORGETTING their meds, but it's been easy lately to get cast in other people's movies when I am fully booked shooting my own movie over here, thank you very much.

What I do know is this; it's a message I keep getting over and over again:
"Why are you looking at them ?! Why aren't you looking at ME?"

now "ME" can be "God," but sometimes during the day "ME" is the project I have at hand, "ME" is my goal of getting home without going to jail first 'cause I kicked some idiot in the throat, "ME" is my goal of getting enough rest, so I'm going to have to put down this book I'm reading, "ME" is sometimes just "ME" as in

"WHY do I keep obsessing about that horrible person over there. Don't you worry, that is ALL gonna take care of itself without you having to knit an afghan over it, just stop looking at him and start looking at "ME" as in me myself eye personally, and stuff like that there ..."

How 'bout this: Let's stay off other people's plates, let's stay out of other people's conversations, let's stay away from their backpacks on their backs that take up the same amount of room as another person standing behind them, only it's THEIR BLOODY BACKpack that they could just WEAR ON THEIR CHEST ...

oopsie, sorry.
i'm back ...

How 'bout let's just focus on our narrow lane ahead, shall we? just meditate on what is good and right and beautiful and life giving? hmm? let's just try to keep that up for just the next little bit of time, shall we ?

LOVE YOU ! selah. xox

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