The Rev Dr EMC Kaeton just brought this up today in her sermon, the concept of God As a Verb. It reminded me of this: Cindy asking a rabbi if she can become a Jew:
[ <…I was raised in a church... where I was told to believe and pray. And if I was bad, I'd go to hell. If I was good, I'd go to heaven. And if I'd ask Jesus, he'd forgive me, and that was that. And here y'all saying ain't no hell... ain't... sure about heaven. And if you do something wrong, you got to figure it out yourself. And as far as God's concerned, it's your job to keep asking questions and to keep learning and to keep arguing.
It's like a verb. It's like... you DO God. And that's a lot of work.
[sighs] But I think I'm in, at least as far as I can see it. I mean, maybe I'll learn more... and say, "f*ck the whole thing." I mean … but ...
I wanna learn more, and I think I gotta be IN it to do that, you know, does that make sense? sh1t, did I just talk myself out of it? f*ck.
{Ask me again.} [sighs] Can I be a Jew?
and the rabbi says, {“Yes.”} > ]
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