Monday, June 22, 2020

Let's breathe, shall we?

<< Transform my doubt, that I might proclaim hope.
Transform my uncertainty, that I might proclaim faith.
Transform my stumbling, that I might proclaim forgiveness. >>

I was trying to put my finger on a quote from our Gorgeous Gabe Lamazares+ this morning, and I tripped over this one from 2016 which is JUST as glorious, and JUST as important in discipleship as everything else this beautiful spirit has ever shared with me.

It was on the occasion of the morning of Holy Saturday which is always such a wonderful time in the middle of an exhausting week. There's a little service not a lot of people observe, but I absolutely love the communal "selah" and Gabe+ really gave us something to chew on that went something like this:

<< ~ In the midst of our busy-ness and the impracticality of forcing "perfection" on our practices of this week, something our Jewish sisters and brothers teach us on the Sabbath is the act of "resting". God saw all that was created, and it was very good, and God stopped to rest in it.
Regardless the swirling which occurs around us, God asked us to rest and breathe in the perfection that is creation, regardless our current circumstances or those in the world around us. ~ >>

Let's breathe, shall we? xoxo

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