let action go.
make Silence visible.
savour the Being Time,
the beauty of emptiness.
make Silence visible.
savour the Being Time,
the beauty of emptiness.
the waving white silence
of cow parsley that neither
reaps nor sows,
the waving white silence
of cow parsley that neither
reaps nor sows,
or how we might look
at the horizon on a clear day
without The Need to Know
what The End looks like.
at the horizon on a clear day
without The Need to Know
what The End looks like.
let go the longing to explain.
ours now is only to wonder.
ours now is only to wonder.
the mind cannot carry away within it
all that beauty has to give
yet it has Room Enough
for small treasures.
all that beauty has to give
yet it has Room Enough
for small treasures.
what is it we see
or imagine to be real and true?
or imagine to be real and true?
I remember a sea of blue
that was, I think,
what Music might mean
and I remember stealing the blue,
singing on the way home
with my arms full of bluebells,
thinking the abundance for always
until the flowers faded
in the vase
that was, I think,
what Music might mean
and I remember stealing the blue,
singing on the way home
with my arms full of bluebells,
thinking the abundance for always
until the flowers faded
in the vase
and I began to learn
The Wisdom that left the flowers
and held The Looking,
The Wisdom that left the flowers
and held The Looking,
the knowing that I will pass
and Beauty continue
to amaze without me.
and Beauty continue
to amaze without me.
A shade are you in the heat, O God,
A shelter are you in the cold.
Eyes are you to the blind, O God,
A staff are you to the weak.
An island are you at sea, O God,
A rock are you on land.
A shelter are you in the cold.
Eyes are you to the blind, O God,
A staff are you to the weak.
An island are you at sea, O God,
A rock are you on land.
O my soul's healer,
Keep me at evening
Keep me at morning
Keep me at noon.
Keep me at evening
Keep me at morning
Keep me at noon.
I am tired, astray and stumbling,
Shield me from distraction.
O my soul's healer,
Help keep my eyes raised and on you.
Shield me from distraction.
O my soul's healer,
Help keep my eyes raised and on you.
Copyright © Joy Mead 2019
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