WHY aren't we standing hand in hand spreading messages of hope, recovery, and healing. This is not the time for me, it's the time for we and us. As Jenna Maroney said on 30 ROCK: <<You two can talk about America all you want, but I’m not going to listen, because there’s no 'I' or 'Me' in America. I mean, if I'm gonna get political, it's gonna be to build a better country for Jenna Maroney. It's an opportunity to finally put a pro-Jenna president in the White House.>> That's all it feels like. If any of those persons wanted what's best for the COUNTRY, then they wouldn't be talking about themselves, they'd be talking about us. and they SURE as hell wouldn't circle up and Hunger Games the new kid in town like they did. I wouldn't have one of those people over my house let alone make them my chicken pot pie (okay, Mayor Pete 'cause he's adorbs and to meet his dogs, and 'cause we're both EpiscoPals ...) ANYWAY ! ENOUGH ! i'm back ! after taking some days off to get those astrology forecasts out, (gewrl, and if you think they were long? that wasn't even HALF of it ... "watch this space") ... and I gotta get TONS off my desk, so here's to a kissy day for kissy YOU and kissy me, and let's DOOOO it ! ! ! LOVE you ! and please to take some hugs and kisses along for your journey from me right here at werk. WERK werk werk werk werk
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