<< Our earth is round and, among other things, that means that you and I can hold completely different points of view and both be right. The difference of our positions will show stars in your window I cannot even imagine. Your sky may burn with light while mine, at the same moment, spreads beautifully to darkness ...
Which means, by the way:
I am not wrong:
Wrong is not my name.
My name is my own, my own, my own,
and I can’t tell you who the hell set things up like this
but I can tell you that from now on
my resistance
my simple and daily and nightly self-determination
may very well cost you your life
For, I am a feminist,
and what that means to me is much the same as the meaning of the fact that I am Black;
it means that I must undertake to love myself
and to respect myself
as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.
And who will join this?
and will sing and sing back into the mountains?
and if necessary even under the sea?
…we are the ones we have been waiting for ... ~ June Jordan >>
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