Hello, stargazers. Love you. This is going to be one of two longish entries because of the monumental shifts transpiring in the Universe which will affect us for the next 30, 60, 90 years and require a look-back to 1960, 2000, and even 1100 ! c.e. ! isn’t that thrilling ?!?!
THIS post is going to be a permalink for MERCURY RETROGRADE and this information is ALWAYS true, regardless of where Mercury is Right Now on [INSERT DATE HERE]. These are the Cosmic Rules for a Mercury Retrograde.
p.s.: I haven’t been writing lately because it seemed to be the same old thing: "new moons offer a chance to sew new dreams; full moons bring to fruition the dreams we sewed; Be Kind Rewind, lather rinse repeat." So, ganug already with all of that, you got bored, I got bored … and then I was sitting in the sacristy the other Sunday and the 15 minute warning bell sounded and it reminded me of my time in the rolling hills of southern Indiana when those same sounds called us back to the Abbey and we would hike up our skirts and say, “SISTERS ! WE’RE LATE FOR PRAYERS !” … (okay, maybe that was just me? I can’t remember, but) I remembered at that moment there have ritually been bells which ring to remind us to bring our spirits home, to center ourselves, to ready ourselves from a higher purpose … and so if there needs to be a yenta to clang the teakettle, then let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
THE FAKE-NEWS-IN-ASTROLOGY-REPORTING IS THE TERROR BAKED IN TO THE WORDS “MERCURY RETROGRADE,” okay? So quit pushing that narrative please? Mercury retrogrades are WONDERFUL ! ya know why?
“I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way s/he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” Maya Angelou, sweetie. She goes on to say, “I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”
If you’re new to the ‘ole Rumi chestnut: "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself,” then Mercury Retrogrades are thee Perfect time to experience the LEISURE the Universe offers us during these periods. OH ! it can be such a languorous time ‘cause GUESS WHAT ! there’s NOTHING you can DO about it except have aye GORGEOUS sense of humour about the whole thing.
When calamity strikes, it’s a time for you to shine, to be that devil-may-care gal in all the ‘40s fashion shots, laughing at it all, "AH ! ha ha ha !," and remember that beauty is not in “good looks,” no; beauty is grace, grace under pressure and stress; beauty resonates from the heart and pours out of the eyes and makes the entire Being glow with a radiance that falls on everyone in its path. OH ! to be in the company of a truly beautiful human, who never wishes to be regarded, no; they turn your gaze to something truly beautiful like some flowers out the window, the perfection of this cup of coffee, the magik of the moment you’re sharing; true beauty isn’t something one possesses, true beauty is a gift we give others.
“Okay cute, Auntie, but my computer just froze, all my crap is on there, I lost my phone, I missed my train, my email was hacked, and I keep getting in to fights because no one can hear anything I’m saying which is all intentionally life-giving.”
Yeah, I get all that and I love ya like my best pair of socks, but you knew we were going on a months-long journey and I told you to pack a change of clothes and some nibbly things … We gotta be growed up and know that if we’re in a period when transportation is going to CONSISTENTLY be thwarted, then we need to LEAVE EXTRA EARLY and if we don’t, and our plans are stalled (STALLED, HELLOWUH, sitting still in space) then that’s on us and it’s a no bitching zone. (and seriously, if you don't back up your data or if your data isn't in the cloud and on a thumb drive then please join us in the 21st Century. Thank you.)
I mean, BITCH ALL YOU WANT ! PLEASE ! LET IT OUT ! LET IT RIP ! LET IT ROAR ! but it CAN’T continue to be a monologue you pull out four times a year every time you show up somewhere, every time you’re in the middle of a typical stall, and you walk in and serve a performance of "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS CRAP" over and over and over again. Aren't YOU tired of it? It's EXHAUSTING and it’s cancerous, that kind of thing, and it spreads like wildfire.
Why not choose beauty instead, and take along a copy of Atlas Shrugged or shoplift the new issue of Vogue on your way to the train or take some beautiful sheets of paper and a gorgeous liquid pen and WRITE someone a friggin’ LETTER. Write it to yourself ! about how FRUSTRATED you are being stalled on a train under the east RIVER for an hour, but for the love of apple strudel, DON’T say you didn’t know it was going to happen, DON’T sit there and add to a collective evil YAMMER about how the subway sucks and people suck and Mercury Retrograde sucks …
evil really does feel good, doesn't it? being mean is so satisfying and spreading discord brings a great self-satisfaction because it catches so quickly that fire, but those days are over and gone, please? WE MUST BE BETTER than this, we MUST CONCENTRATE on THEE COLLECTIVE GOOD or we’re not going to come out of this era whole or kind or nice or healthy, it’s going to be like Pottersville in It’s a Horrible Life because George Bailey was never there to be selfless. WE are George Bailey, get it?.
Can’t you see, darling one, that the Universe gives us these respites through the symbol of the planet Mercury for our very own good? To breathe, to restock, to replenish, to check ourselves walking through this life? Let’s take a look, definitively, at Mercury, shall we?
Mercury is the ruling planet of both:
- Virgo (I serve, I analyze, I am logical, I am efficient, I pursue health and thrive on routine); and
- Gemini (with quick wit and brilliant intellect, I connect to the Universe through self-expression and personal observation).
- Aquarius (We’re in this together, I am a connector, I achieve and desire to achieve and make a name for myself in this world, I am orderly, a planner, ambitious, and know how to have and maintain discipline).
[I KNOW this bit is an o.t., I know this bit is “off tangent,” but it is NOT ! off topic. When we’re speaking of a retrograde which is just a planet who went one way, then traced its path backwards and is now coming forward on the same path, we necessarily need to look at the “shadow” side of these signs, the sign on the opposite side of the astrological wheel, because the planet is going backwards, hello, and also the negative aspects of that opposite sign (THEE VERY WORST of the unrepentant spirit’s default) which is the worst case of any scenario that can occur during a Mercury retrograde, just so we can see how that negativity can manifest in our spirit.
So the shadow of
- Virgo is Pisces: With Virgo, "Mercury expresses the way that we integrate what we experience and how we make sense of the world around us through our mind." The shadow side of Pisces is to just give up. OH ! do they give the best pity parties, and they can drag ass. The bed can be on fire and they are positive that someone else is gonna get a hose. They will avoid conflict at all costs and at the first trip or spill of the day? they’re gonna go home, get in bed, pull the covers over their head, and stay there until it’s safe (and they DON’T want to TALK about it).
- Gemini is Sagittarius: The shadow side of Sagittarius is touchy about criticism so much so that you can’t even DEAL with them, they are completely unapproachable. They react violently if their actions are judged to be wrong, they don’t want to be micromanaged, they’re not going to check their work, they’re just going to shoot information out from every orifice, and if you look over their shoulder you’re gonna walk away with a bloody stump. Sagitarians are very physical and can put a lot of vitality into an argument … “it’s called, uh … OOMPH. (#TheWomen)”; and the shadow side of
- Aquarius is Leo: The dark side Leo is personified by this era in U.S. politics: the trait is schadenfreude, sheer and utter delight in other’s misfortunes and glee in watching them suffer. It's worse when they act like they're sorry, and it's over-the-top insincere. Leos throw temper tantrums, especially if they feel ignored and they will drop you like a hot rock to find someone else to pay attention to them.
<< In classical Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods, noted for his speed and swiftness. Astrologically speaking, Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and reasoning, and adaptability and variability. Mercury governs schooling and education, the immediate environment of neighbors, siblings and cousins, transport over short distances, messages and forms of communication such as physical mail, email and telephone, newspapers, journalism and writing, information gathering skills and physical dexterity. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and relationships. Mercury's action is to take things apart and put them back together again. It is an opportunistic planet, decidedly unemotional and curious. In medicine, Mercury is associated with the nervous system, the brain, the respiratory system, the thyroid and the sense organs. >> sort of Wiki
We good? We get it? So what happens in a retrograde is:

There’s a ramp up to Mercury Retrograde Station where Mercury just sits in the heavens and STALLS before it goes BACKWARDS to see if you’re paying ATTENTION ! and to give you a chance to settle in, and get ready. That ramp up you'll sometimes feel, and you'll be all ... my printer just exploded, do you think there's a Mercury Retrograde coming? and then in middle of the whole thing Mercury sits again at a Mercury Direction Station where you get a chance to say, "Hey ... I could be kinder, I could learn to be still, I could extend my mercy on someone instead of kicking them in the throat," and then Mercury trots along smartly to push ALL the lessons we didn’t learn RIGHT back in our face … Sorry, I’m sure there are more lovely ways to phrase that, but time is running out, kids, and we need to start shining with peace and love and joy and stop pushing crabbiness, discord, and dis-ease, m’kay?
Maybe we might try “Clearing Our Shadow,” looking at each Mercury Retrograde cycle as a small wake up call and an opportunity to notice when we are caught up in the patterns of our own shadow. It is during Retrogrades that we tend to be less conscious, that we tend to re-act as opposed to bend in the breeze, and we get caught up in the chaos instead of keeping steady. Moreover, when we act from this place, we set ourselves up for frustration and failure.
The two pauses Mercury makes, the one just before going backwards, and the one just before trotting forwards, are breaths the Universe gives us to take stock, to decide who we want to be, to get it together to proceed feyusly through the world. We are given those gorgeous opportunities to choose, so, Let’s Choose Life, shall we? Let’s choose goodness and kindness. Let’s plan ahead, let’s get out of the way, let’s extend peace and life-giving words. Yeah, it’s all very expensive, but don’t you think it’s the least we can do for the gift of waking up each day?
Some of this is Roman Oleh Yaworsky.
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