Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ADVENT 2: Wednesday: Let's Take a Spiritual Bath

photo source: Exsodus of

<Just as, when we are tired physically, a bath in fresh running water invigorates us, so, when we are tired or discomforted mentally, spiritual communion, bathing in the ocean of the Infinite, invigorates the mind and clarifies the thinking. Every person should take time for this inner communion, time when she separates herself from all that appears /detracting/ or /draining/, time to plunge into the living waters of /the Infinite, the Calm, the One True Vibration/. Just as we take a sun bath, so there is an inner light into which we may plunge, an inner consciousness in which we may bathe. The rays of this invisible Sun penetrate the soul just as the rays of the physical sun penetrate the body, renewing and rejuvenating. As water purifies itself by flowing, so an inner realization of the flow of Spirit through us purifies the stagnant pools of morbid thought, and in so doing, eliminates stagnation in the physical body.>
- Holmes, Ernest (2007-12-27).
The Art of Life (Kindle Locations 1359).
Penguin Group US. Kindle Edition.

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