Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2020: Looking back, looking foward

We can be taught through experience? or we can learn through Wisdom. Which will it be. Do you want the learning to happen TO you? or do you want to willingly study and prepare, do you want to be ready to be actively engaged so that you don’t have to RE-act, you can have as much of the situation under control as possible. Sure, no kiddin’, the chaos is still gonna fly around our heads, but srsly, I’m sick to death of allowing circumstances to dictate my impulses, I’m tired as all get out of being pummeled by selfishness and ugliness, that I think it best to study up, prep up, train like an athlete, and face our destiny head on like warriors.

Listen, I don’t mean to threaten you with a good time, but we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and the EASY way is going to take A LOT of work. It’s going to take a selfless concerted effort on our part, on the part of those who are awake while they’re alive, those who are paying attention and who want to strive to make this world a better place. We’ll talk about the 1960s in a second, but meanwhile …

All these happenings in the heavens are all going to happen with or without our consent, and they are going to happen with or without our cooperation, too. We can swim in the current and navigate our trajectory through it, gorgeously, or we can let it hit us, knock us off our feet, tumble us ass over teakettle, and sweep us in its wake. I mean, we can just walk outside and hit the pavement, push our way through the wind and have the elements pelt us, do our very best Lear with ye olde, “Blow winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!”

but srsly?  WHY ! do we want to continue to live the hard way when there’s SUCH an EASIER way. Because it’s gonna take some work? Well TOUGH TIDDY ! Know what? There are no grown-ups in the room, people ! So, know what that makes US !?!? THE GROWN UPS IN THE ROOM people. WE’RE the ones who are going to have to continue and double-down putting in all this karmic yoga. WE’RE the ones who must continue in selfless actions, philanthropy, volunteering, and embracing selflessness. The era upon which we’re embarking is for the common good, not for individual glory.

I know that sounds very far away, especially looking around us at all the ugliness, but the day is going to come when there are going to be more of us than of that, because it’s what happens when the extreme implodes and the pendulum starts to swing the other way. Karmic Yoga is a means of serving the community and saving the world. There's no goal of glory or fame involved, there’s also no bitching allowed either; we have to pour sweet and kind and good and whatever is charming and beautiful and worthy in to the ether so that it can get in to the stream and spread throughout the Universe.

I know I jumped head first in to this, I’m sorry/not sorry, but I thought it might help to come at an astrological forecast through the back door and not begin with the astrological jazz words. There are eternal dispositions to every one of these massive celestial objects which spin and whirl and twirl and twinkle in the heavens because they’re the exact same ways in which they’ve been dancing since they first exploded on the scene. People been studying and charting and graphing their behaviours and our responses to their positions in this universe for thousands of years, so … we can navigate the immediate future the easy way or the hard way, and here's what's transpiring as we speak.

See, we are moving out of two centuries of an epoch ruled by materialism and might-makes-right (the age of Pisces), and into an era of two centuries of interrelatedness and community (the age of Aquarius). It’s not going to be an easy transition, but some light news is after this Mercury retrograde at the end of March? things are going to speed up at a mind-numbing pace. A door to a radically changed world is about to be unlocked in late March and kicked wide open by December when the forecast says all this … ugliness ... will resolve itself. By the end of the upcoming three year period, if we’re not personally radically changed beings, then we really are just coasting.

Now, know what? COASTING IS PERFECTLY RESPECTABLE, #NoJudge. I am fine and dandy where I am.  But know what else? There’s so much more to do. There’s so much more I can do if I’m given the gift of another day. and if I can stomach the selfishness of sitting on what’s been given me? If I don’t make the most and the best use of all the resources at my disposal? Then that’s a shande as they say in Yiddish, a shame … a low-down dirty shame … a misuse of gifts and talents and opportunities afforded me each and every day I wake, and the LEAST I can do is some Karmic Yoga … not for the benefit of Karmic Cleansing, not for any benefit on my part, but for the betterment of humankind, pitching in … it’s the least we can do, no?

Okay, I know I buried the lede, but here we go, DEFINITIONS FIRST !
  • JUPITER: The planet symbolized as the sky god ! the god of thunder. Know what thunder is? The result of lightning. Know what lightening is? When nature equalizes itself after a buildup of electrostatic energy. The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces a rapid expansion of air and creates a sonic shock wave, often referred to as a "thunderclap" or "peal of thunder". Thunder and lightning are ways the Universe cleanses itself from a buildup of tension. JUPITER is also the bringer of Light, the god of gods. JUPITER's temperament is philosophical, variety loving, knowledgeable. JUPITER LOVES expansion, indulgence, growth, optimism, risk taking. JUPITER  governs our ethics, our philosophy about life, where we want to learn and how we can benefit from that knowledge. JUPITER is a lucky charm that expands whatever it touches, thus showing what it is that we do on a large scale. JUPITER is about the search for truth, and governs law, religion, philosophy, and education.
  • SATURN: The planet symbolized by the god of farmers, sort of, the god of agriculture kind of, the patron of sowing and harvest, seeds and wealth, abundance. SATURN LOVES hardworking and ambitious people with discipline and commitment. SATURN LOVES to reward those persons who work hard with fame and success and achievement and a sterling legacy. Saturn describes our ambition in life, our major life lessons, and our feelings of inadequacy. SATURN informs us about restrictions, limitations, boundaries, safety, and practicality. 
  • CAPRICORN: The star sign ruled by Saturn and embodies all of the above attributes of the planet Saturn.
  • AQUARIUS:   The star sign who says, "We’re in this together, I am a connector, I achieve and desire to achieve and make a name for myself in this world; I am orderly, a planner, ambitious, and know how to have and maintain discipline."

So … Jupiter and Saturn are huge, big planets that have a lot of gravitational pull in the galaxy. Every 30 years, Saturn comes back to the exact place it was when you were born. Your 29th to 30th year on this planet is very important, it’s called your “Saturn Return Year,” and it KIND of solidifies the type of person you're going to be for a while … we sort of come to some conclusions around 25, 26, we experiment trying on different personalities and costumes, but about 28? 29? our subconscious starts to firm up who we are and it’s not just the “ohmuhguh I’m turning 30 !” sort of thing, it’s actually a force greater than our fears.

So … Jupiter chases Saturn through the heavens, and every TWENTY years, Saturn and Jupiter end up spending time together in the same place, the same “house,” the same area of the wheel of the zodiac. Every SIXTY years, Saturn and Jupiter come “home” to Capricorn where they are most comfortable, where they have “Dignity” because they are in their home turf, where they have the highest universal vibration, and where they are most powerful in influence.

Know what 2020 - 60 is? 1960. Remember what happened in the 60s? Chaos, yes, but a destruction of all norms, all strongholds on what is true and good and right and just. All the walls surrounding all the lies came tumbling down and all the people who did the most harm were uncovered, at least, even though many not brought to justice. Even though many of the lessons learned were easily forgotten or misplaced or taken over by other forces like the "ME" generation of the 70s, the "GREED" generation of the 80s, the bills which came due in the 90s, and the general flailing of the aughts and here we are ...

So right now we’re going in to a period where the cosmos is lined up in such a way that we can completely change who we are and our trajectory through this existence. Like … you know those times when people say

… outside of like rehab, but rehab too, I guess, I mean like

someone goes from being a paralegal to being Wanda Sykes

someone goes from gluing plastic flowers on to his mother’s flip flops to being Michael Kors

THAT is the level of complete Doctor Who Regeneration possible to each of us is right now in this era … as everything else swoops around us, and things get faster and nastier until it all implodes, we are able, right at this second, not as much to make our dreams come completely true, as we are literally on The Cusp of A Great New Age, building an infrastructure to support a major refocusing, setting priorities, learning on a whole new level, and being inspired to achieve a legacy that is worthy of the gifts we've been given.

REALISE ! however, this is taking place in Aquarius. Aquarius is concerned with the environment and with paring down excesses. Notice the new plastic bag ban that is coming in to effect, notice little things you might be sacrificing, ordering in, going out, to save up for a Ninja Foodie or a cruise (ooo, not a cruise, a trip to a domestic seashore far away from international travelers ... sorry ... too soon?). Think of these adjustments not as punishments but for sacrifices which will reward in days and years to come.

It is possible right now to begin starring an entirely different movie if we want to, and the universe is POISED to remove all the obstacles in our way, bless our every step with bounty and peace and prosperity and auspicious voyages …

Pam Gregory says that if we can just allow ourselves these monumental blessings, if we will just get out of our own way, do the work, and allow these blessings to come upon us, we can use these months “positively to find a sense of deeper personal purpose to live with a deeper state of meaning in our lives … like it's almost starting our life with a blank sheet of paper because the veil is so thin between the inconceivable galactic energies which are descending into our earth plane right now, so much so that … this is a superb time to create an entirely new life for ourselves … and the more we can forget the past the better …

... so we need to just get that blank sheet of paper, meditate, think of what we would really like to offer to the world, living with a deeper sense of meaning and a deeper sense of personal purpose, and what best of ourselves we can bring to the party to help heal the planet.”

One of the blessings of Mercury in retrograde during this era is, anything that stalls? any business dealings, any writings, any projects, any communications which don’t quite click? the stalling gives us the opportunity to check our work, to cross the Ts and dot the Is and wow is THAT an antiquated phrase. The pause gives us time to make absolutely sure that everything is absolutely correct. THIS is the time to do our breath work. THIS is the time to meditate, to chant, to ruminate. THIS is the time when the Galactic Center is open to us, hears us, blesses us, and is at its highest frequency in our consciousness.

We are well blessed by imagining a column of white, diamond-sparkly light coming from above through the top
 of our head, pouring that light in to our heart’s center, and imagining breathing through that center and expanding the light throughout the universe. The cross of a “t,” the light down from up and out through us. We are poised to make quantum leaps in our own elevation and the world’s evolution.

I’ll close with this right now because there’s an important watch-cry for the next, oh, 90 years that I think we need to employ:


If you're writing something and it's three paragraphs? make it one. Especially right now during this Mercury Retrograde (Feb/Mar 2020)? Especially through the end of the year? We may have every best intention on the planet to tell someone something? But if they have no ears to hear it, it’s going to possibly go south, possibly be used against us.

There is no “convincing” anyone of anything right now, people are locked down, baybee, locked down TIGHT, and they’re not letting go. They’re happy in what they swear works, they say they don’t want to bitch and moan and the next thing you know they’re reposting something HORRIBLE about this one or that thing and all you can do is shake your head. They know spreading discord is antithetical to a life filled with bubbling joy, but habits are hard break. The older I get the more I realise why old southern women do that thing, that shake their head thing, with a wry smile and say, mmph mmph mmph.

Listen, now, conversely, people are going to be careless with what they’re saying, and a good way not to get caught up in the misunderstanding on OUR side is just the old side-step.  People are going to tromp through puddles, but you can just jump to the side and not get caught, not get splashed on.

We are NOT required to engage, you know, we are NOT required to respond. That’s where the old chestnut “bless your heart” comes from, and you don’t even have to say it out loud. I don’t CARE anymore if people think I’m rude, I literally just stand there now, I literally just walk away. I can't afford to say anything anymore because it’s not worth it to me, it’s like talking to a drunk.

When I MUST engage, I give it the old E.S.T. routine, Erhard Seminars Training, a.k.a Meisner Acting Method, “What I think I hear you saying is this, and then I repeat what they just said to me back to them with no line readings, no emotion, just the exact words they used. I've LITERALLY had people completely deny they said any of that, and most times they’ll hear how awful or stupid or careless what they said was, and they’ll try to fix it with backpedals or new utterances, but “Honestly, Lucy,” it’s just exhausting and so much better to let it be and let them figure things out for themselves.

There is SO much more to talk about, but let's start with this, shall we? now you have the overview? Peace, dear ones, and love and soul ...

<< Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions! Golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation ... Aquarius ... >>

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