Monday, December 7, 2015

Advent 2 2015 01 Monday

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I haven't thought about this in years. When I go to meditate or say a rosary, I go in with that intention, so it's in the front of my mind, I'm not going in with a blank slate, I'm going in with an intention. Many of us wake up these days in Total Darkness, not to a sunrise. This meditation from (sort of) Chaya Kaplan-Lester asks us to begin with NO intent, to sit in nothingness and embrace it to find G-d in the darkness and come out the other side together. There's some work!

<Sit quietly for a moment in complete darkness, and let the darkness indeed be complete, with no want for anything, no need for the distractions of sight; simply sense the quiet stillness and complete acceptance of G-d who sits everywhere patiently waiting for us to take notice. Turn off all vision, be quiet and sense the sanctuary that is G-d in our on being. Existing in the cellar of self, like an unlit candle in the darkness, discover a deeper self than light can let in. Dedicate yourself to this inner darkness, to the unknown, to the unspeakable seclusions of the soul. It is the darkness that provokes our path to further reaches, our thoughts to further depths. It is the as-of-yet unillumined, unanswered aspects of an unraveling self, the landscape of dreams and nightmares, tragic truths and fears. Dedicate this moment to every question quested after, to every confusion that has humbled us, to every challenge mastered, to the thrill of secrecy. Reach out to the pilot light of G-d's continued presence in our soul and let it catch on the wick of our Spirit. As the candle of our soul comes alive with the light of G-d, notice that it casts a shadow, our very self in dark outline, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with G-d. Integrate and dedicate the darkness with the light, that which illumines a deeper understanding, and know that you are illuminated from within by the very source of all light.>

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