Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Advent 4 2015 02 Tuesday

If we want to get God’s vision for our life, we must want to hear it, we must withdraw to hear it, and then we must wait to hear it. “…I will station myself…” I will stay put, I will unplug, I will stop the internal chatter, I will concentrate on this one conversation, on of joyful thanksgiving and prayerful sharing with God. Most of the time we’re running so revved up, we can't get slowed down enough to tune into God. So, how do we slow down? We take deep breaths. Pull in the calm of God's Holy Spirit and let go of the day, the cares, the worries. We empty our mind with each exhalation of breath. We relax our muscles, we let the tension drain out, and we focus the mind to a pinpoint. The most common form of praying in the Hebrew Scriptures is standing with eyes wide open looking up to heaven and talking out loud to God. Not a speech, not poetry, not even complete sentences. Then wait and listen for that still small voice. Expect a dream, an insight, a whisper. This is the faith factor where you wait expectantly. Waiting on God is never a waste of time. In fact, it's some of the best time you are ever going to invest in your life. - Rick Warren, sort of

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