Monday, December 21, 2015

Advent 2015 - Winter Solstice - Blue Eucharist

The 2015 Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice happens at 11:49 pm EST tonight.  This is the shortest day of the year and in some traditions also called the Longest Night, the day in the Advent season marking the longest night of the year. On this day, some churches hold a church service that honours people that have lost loved ones in that year. The service is called a Blue Eucharist and Rev. Nancy C. Townely, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, has a beautiful liturgy. Here are some passages:
In the midst of festivities, shouts, and bright lights, we feel the darkness of our souls. Come, God of power and Light, help us. In the midst of gatherings, we feel alone and alienated. Come, God of peace and Hope, hear our cries.  In the midst of celebration, our hearts cry out. Lord, hear us and come to us. Bring us peace.

God of love and understanding, we gather here this evening to confront our pain in the midst of the world's celebration. Help us to know that you are present with us in all of our moods and feelings and seasons. Grant us a taste of the hope, peace, joy and love that you promise to all of your people. We light four candles tonight in remembrance of our loved ones.

One candle represents our Grief. We own the pain of losing loved ones, of dreams that go unfulfilled, of hopes that evaporate in despair. One candle represents our courage. It symbolizes the courage to confront our sorrow, to comfort each other, to share our feelings honestly and openly with each other, and to dare to hope in the midst of pain. One candle represents our memories. For the times we laughed together, cried together, were angry at each other or overjoyed with each other. We light this candle for the memories of caring and joy we shared together. The last candle represents our love. The love we have given, and the love we have received. The love that has gone unacknowledged and unfelt, and the love that has been shared in times of joy and sorrow.

Comforting God, wrap us in your presence in this time of remembrance. With these candles, help us find your light, a light that will guide us day-by-day, step-by-step, as we try to live life fully and wholly. We cherish the special ways in which our loved ones have touched us. We thank you for the gift their lives have been to us. Now comfort us. Encourage us. Empower us. AMEN.

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