Friday, March 6, 2020

Creators Creating

It's so interesting to me that The Creator doesn't want to be memorialized as a representation made to be gazed upon; instead, we are to gaze upon all the beauty of that which is Created and be dazzled by all the activity of The Creation.

It's magical really.

Oh, sure, we have all the hints at aspects of the Creator's personality and charism, and the symbols of the tools with which we are blessed, all in plaster and bronze and paints and gold in various forms with various faces.

But as a Creative Being, the Creator seemingly wants us only to deal in these symbols to keep our brains and spirits active, that we might fashion a world through our prayers and contemplation around each symbol we are presented, remembering past triumphs and envisioning future blessings.
We've been given quite a gift, really, that we don't need to only picture God one way. Whether blue or baby or wizened or flying about, God is who we need God to be at all times throughout our lives, you know?

We're the only ones who can put a limit on ourselves, we who are created in the image of the Creator, and we're the only ones who can put a limit to The Creator, a being with no limits.
We flourish or perish at our own hand oftentimes, at least spiritually. Let's choose to keep our eyes gazing upon all that is good and pleasant and lovely, and let's make sure to live a rapturous life, and live it with exuberance in great abundance, shall we? Selah xoxo 

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