Wednesday, March 18, 2020

PollyAnna here !

PollyAnna here. Any chance to look at this as an enormous opportunity for personal and spiritual growth? I know when I get monkey brain, I know when I get anxious or testy or want to crawl out of my skin that sometimes I need to cut out the caffeine. I also know that claustrophobic feeling of walking around touching objects, turning in circles, what can I do where can I go sort of feeling.

There's a peace that just sitting still brings. There are 10-hour long videos of waves crashing on the shore, of rivers babbling or roaring over rocks, fields of flowers and birdies chirping. There are entire channels on Pluto.TV of riding on the top of steam-engine trains ! through the German countryside ! There are videos out the window of the front car of the N train from Ditmars all the way down to Coney Island.

The Truth is hard to find nowadays and sometimes we're so eager to keep on top of everything that we don't fast from that, even for a moment, to just sit and breathe. Just sit and listen to the quiet of all the city noises. Sit and listen to your own breath and think of the miracle of that ! there are people on respirators who CAN'T breathe and then thank God you can still breathe on your own ! REALLY live inside all your blessings today and realize how very much there is to be thanksful for, wanna? LOVE YOU ! xoxo

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